Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thankful Thursday

So I haven’t done a Thankful Thursday in quite some time. I actually took the summer off from blogging to concentrate on school and the kids. What I found out is that I can’t do that again, it through my whole routine off and now that I’m getting back on a routine I have realized I should have never stopped.

So here is My Top 10 Thankful(s) Thursday for this past week:

  1. My kids for giving me another first day of school full of memories. It is still hard to believe that I have a 9th, 7th, 4th, and a 2nd grader, how time flies!
  2. That our family is so adaptable when faced with diversity.
  3. Our church leaders who planned awesome kick-off activities last night for all age groups. Our kids are excited about activities this year.
  4. For a salesman who took my boss and me out to lunch yesterday and they introduced me to sushi! I may have found a new love for fish.
  5. For great conference committee members who have helped make this years PUG conference a success so far, 42 more days and we’ll be rocking it at conference.
  6. For a friend who didn’t judge us in our hour of need and graciously helped out our family. God has truly brought us together for something bigger.
  7. My kids have the awesome ability to turn themselves into problem solvers when they see mom breakdown.
  8. Thankful for my kids’ sense of humor, jokes, hugs, kisses, conversations and cuddle time.
  9. That my kids have a father that is willing to do anything for them.
  10. That my kids have such giving hearts. They have taken extra snacks to school this week just in case someone forgot theirs!

So what are you thankful for?


Leah said...

A sister who packed up her car early and came to Texas 24 hours earlier in order to make that wedding to-do list a to-DONE list!

Sara @ Our Life Blog said...

your kiddos sound like an awesome bunch of kids!! :) stopping by from thankful thursdays.

LivingFree said...

Hooray for adaptability and children who embrace it.

Candra Georgi said...

great things to be thankful for :)