Kid#3: If we were home schooled we could sleep in every day right?
Me: M-A-Y-B-E
Kid#3: Please don't ever home school us!
Me: Honey God didn't wire me to stay home and home school you. Besides, why not?
Kid#3: Because I like going to school.
Me: That's a good thing!
Kid#3: Yep, and my friends are there too. I don't think I can handle only seeing them twice a week at church.
Me: I see you have your priorities, you wanna see your friends but not hang out with me?
Kid#3: MOM, I see you ALL the time!
Kid#2: Y'all can't sleep either?
Me: Nope.
Kid#2: You're all excited and junk (while making a funny face and dance move)
Kid#3: I had a nap today, didn't you?
Kid#2: Yea, but I'm all excited!
Me: Good, go back to bed (jokingly)
Kids: Mom!
Sunday At lunch:
Me: Kid#2 I'll pay you $5 to get Kid#1 organized for school
Kid#2: OK! What needs organizing.
Kid#1: How do you know that I'm not organized at school?I'll write on my hand if I have too, after I find m y pens.
Me: Not what I want to hear!
Kid#1: I know, but it's so much fun!
Kid#2: laughing the whole time
[Kid#1 never once organized anything, and I wasn't going to do it]
Kid#4: Mom, where are the scissors?
Me: WHY?
Kid#4: I need to cut the tags off my new clothes.
Me: Shouldn't you have done this last week?
Kid#4: I didn't wear them last week.
Me: Good point!
Monday Morning .....
Kid#4: Can you come eat lunch with me today?
Me: No sweetheart. I know the first week is the hardest, but you need to get used to the schedule at the school.
Kid#4: disappointed look
Me: But we'll eat lunch together in the next few weeks, we just have to get our routines and scheduled down. ok?
Kid#4: ok, with a smile
Kid#4: hey that's mine
Me to Kid#3: yep, all back to normal
Kid#3: yep
Kid#3: shotgun!
Me: nope I get that seat.
Kids: Why are you coming too? Just because it's the first day?
Me: YEP! (grinning the whole time)
Kids: Dad! C'mon
Dad: (laughing) yep, she's going! hehehehe
Me: Told ya so!
Kids: She's gonna want pictures and embarrass us!
Me: Oh, yeah! The camera!
Kids: all
Me: Kid#4, let me get your picture
Kids: MOM, seriously!
Kid#4: quietly stands away from the other kids and let me take the picture without saying a word
Me: Fine I'll just start snapping pictures and what EVER I get is what gets KEPT!
Kid#2: Ok, Only ONE!
Me: snap the picture
Kid#3: fine, just this once, but when we get to school the camera stays in the car!
Me: fine
Kid#1: Don't you dare, I don't want my picture taken
Me: (begging a little) please, just one, there's no one around, no kids, no teachers!
Kid#1: NO!
Me: took snapshots of Kid#1 walking away
Kid#3: Can we go in yet? I don't want to sit in the car.
Me: Then they unlock the doors.
Kid#3: The doors are unlocked LET's go!
Me: ok, ok, ok
Kid#4: looks as if she is going to cry
Me: do you want me to stay?
Kid#4: nods, yes
Me to Dad: Not sure why she got shy all of a sudden!
We: wait for 15 min to walk her to class.
Well all get to class, and look-ee there, she's talking with friends.
Dad & I: slowly walk out and take Kid #3 to class.
And as promised I left the camera in the car and left my phone in my pocket so no more pictures could be taken!
After School ....
Let's just say that some liked their teachers and some do not care for some teachers. But overall they said that the school year was going to be good or great.
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