Sunday, November 1, 2009

Thankfullness Day #1

So to stay with our positive outlook the whole family is going to participate in this month’s blog. Every day one of us will post something they are thankful for. So I will start off the month….

I am thankful for my husband, although our marriage has been rocky for some time these past few months have been horrible. I will admit that with the baby steps we are taking it is getting better.

I am thankful that he now leads a Bible study with us at night; he is more attentive to the whole families needs and is more understanding about certain situations. I am thankful that God put us in each other’s lives 15 years ago.

  • I am thankful he is healthy,
[David climbing the rock wall at CityFest in Oct. 2009. I only made it halfway up, I looked down and that was it, I couldn't go any farther!]

  • I am thankful that he lets the kids hang all over him,
  • That he participates in the kids’ activities,
[David helping Abby with her sidewalk 'art'.]

  • Helps with homework,
  • That he can cook,
[David cooking up massive amounts of food at the 'reunion' this year.]

  • He willingly does laundry,
  • He doesn’t mine going grocery shopping (something that we do together just he and I or as a family for the past 13 years),
  • That he can run on very little sleep (I cannot),
  • He allows the kids to be themselves no matter where we are,
[Abby put several straws together with the help of David and they worked! Our parents would have NEVER let us do this.]

[Madelynne decided to 'model' some items at the store.]

[Zach decided to see if he could 'fit' into the dogs kennel for fun, he did fit! It took some convincing on his part to let him out, LOL!!]

  • He allows the kids to be creative with anything and everything they can find,
[Madelynne, Nathanael and Zach making a giant sized q-tip. It didn't work on Nate! LOL]

  • The list goes on and on….