Monday, November 2, 2009

Thankfullness Day #2

It has been a very long day and I nearly forgot to post our thankful post, it is not 10:55 pm and we haven't been home long. Overall it was a good day.

So yesterday Madelynne and one of her dear friends C. worked on Madelynne's school project for her science class. Animal Cell and Plant Cell, had to be 3-dimentional. She made it entirely out of candy, Halloween candy was good for something else for other than consumption.

I am thankful that our children are:
  • Creative and most days think outside the box!
  • Love and protect one another. They stick together like glue most days, but will never admit it!
Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children. - Proverbs 17:6

This is what happens when you ask the kids to do the dishes while hyped up on sugar!!

David helping Abby with her art!

Abby's finished art! The Green paint is STILL on our sidewalk!

Nate always lets Madelynne mess with his hair, he's such a great big brother!

Kids being creative and silly!
[Nate, Zach and Madelynne]

Nate and Madelynne loving one another at CityFest!

Madelynne's assignment for her science class.

1 comment:

Alison said...

Nate looks like Shadow Man! Hehe