Sunday, November 1, 2009


Our family is fortunate to have such wonderful friends although we don’t see many of them often I know we can count on them in many ways. So much unfortunate events have happened over the course of the past 6 weeks it is hard to stay positive sometimes. David and I called S. and A. last week to give them some prayer requests and when I spoke with A. she mentioned that lately when I have called it has not been for just one prayer request. The conversation usually goes, please pray for so and so, for here is the situation, Oh but wait that’s not all, here is another, oh and another, oh and another. Talk about being overwhelmed! I guess I could have put it in an email which I have done before but I just couldn’t bring myself to do that again. I would like to say that I listened to God this time and picked up the phone to call instead of putting into words in an email. I mentioned to a co-worker, you know we live in a ‘small’ town, we have a quite large church family it’s not hard to go through very rough patches with them all. I know that God doesn’t give us more than we can bare and I am thankful that he trusts us enough to go through these patches, but boy howdy, so many at one time? Whew…. time to press ahead with His grace, His guidance and His Love.

So as a family we are going to try and keep a positive outlook, try and find the positive in everything that occurs. I mean isn’t that what we’re supposed to do? Although situations happen all around us that bring up memories of what has occurred in the past, no need to dwell on the past, we need to keep pushing forward. I mean that is what Paul did, Onesimus did and countless others have done not only in the Bible but historically and some people that we know personally have done.

In order to try and stay positive among everything that is happening to us and around us, we have become more cautious of our actions and words. I have quoted part of James 1:19 “…. quick to listen, slow to speak…” Words and actions are usually our first knee jerk reactions to any situation, but if one listens and is slow to speak much is shown of those actions.
So here are some positives that will happen in the months ahead:

• We are moving to a slighter bigger house, PRAISE the Lord. We have been very patient looking, seeking and searching a particular area and a house became available for us to move into. So before Thanksgiving we will be living in a house within walking distance of our church and the kid’s school.

• We will have much to be thankful for during the Thanksgiving holiday. Our marriage is getting stronger; our children are humorous and bright. Health is an everyday struggle but we will strive to stay positive during bouts of illness.

• Although celebrating Christmas has not been a joyous time for me I am encouraging our family to take joy in it this year. God is good no matter what situation you are in, and no matter how much or little you can give to one another!

• There will be many church activities presented by our children and plenty of opportunities for them to witness to others their age. Can’t wait for the children’s choirs and hand chime performances.

There are countless other reasons to be positive….

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