"For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord, ...." - Jeremiah 30:17
Last April, my FIL spent several, actually many weeks in the hospital with Congestive Heart Failure.
Last Thursday, 10 January, he was admitted once again due to having abnormal lab work and he was retaining fluid.
All appeared good by Wednesday, doctors were very hopeful that he would go home today (Saturday). The IV drip lasix had helped get 10 pounds of fluid off but he needed just a bit more to come off. So they switched him from IV drip lasix to lasix injections into the IV.
Then Thursday he did not have a good day.
His blood pressure dropped, and his tests were still not showing what the doctors had hoped for.
There is a board in his room that has written instructions on there:
1. Sit up in the chair, no more than 2 hours at a time
2. walk the halls 4 times a day
3. move your feet 40 times while sitting in bed
4. move your legs 40 times while sitting in the chair
Those are all easy to do when you feel like you can accomplish those orders. But when you're tired and don't feel good that is another story.
He is in good spirits and I won't sugar coat anything. His breathing is somewhat labored. He is tired. Yesterday he was sitting up in the chair when I got there and he was falling asleep in the chair and I was worried so I was reading the orders on the board and I asked, "how long has he been in the chair? He looks tired."
My MIL asked my FIL if he thought he needed to lay down since he'd been up past the 2 hours and without a fuss he got up, and we helped him into bed and he slept for a bit.
Yesterday it was confirmed that my FIL would not be coming home today when he had no substantial urine output and that he would received 2 pints of blood in hopes that it would increase his oxygen and iron. Also his labs were showing increases in his creatinine and sodium.
Below are just some views that we have seen since my FIL was admitted.
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