Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thankful Thursday

1. Time spent with family over the holiday weekend. Although I took ZERO pictures due to a dead battery, it was good to see family.
2. Being able to see my parents new place (well they've been there a year, so not new to them but new to me).
3. Bringing a bird home from their homestead! We now have a 'tweety' and 'sylvester' in the home. Life will remain interesting!
4. A newly painted foyer, living room, dining area and kitchen. Which happened while we were gone for the holiday. David did an amazing job.
5. Christmas decorations strone all over the house, which I hope to get up this weekend. We shall see!
6. An incredible opportunity filled with prayer and hope.
7. The HEATER!! I love that the heater has finally kicked on during these 30 degree nights and mornings.
8. Baked the first set gingerbread a.k.a. molasses cookies at our house this week. (whispering, we did bake a batch at dads last week, but those didn't last long). Not saying these will last .....
9. Thankful that the sick kiddos are on the mend .... but not before passing it onto the adults!
10. I am VERY thankful for friends being so generous and kind with their hearts and opening their homes this weekend to one or more of our kids. A weekend without kids!


Anne Johnson said...

Wow - makes me want to come visit asap. By the way, when are you guys coming to see us again?! When I get the house clean - again - you need to come visit during the Christmas season. . .

Candra Georgi said...

just now catching up ; )
