Sunday, June 14, 2009

Thursday & Friday

So Thursday I got off work at noon and came home and rested before getting in the kitchen to cook. David and I made falafel, tubule and tacos for dinner. I will say that I need a better recipe for the falafel because the one we had was not the right texture or flavor. The tubule came out great considering it was my very first time to make it. It was very edible, however I didn’t think the falafel was, but Nate would tell you otherwise, because he ate it all.


Falafel frying.

Falafel - YUM!!!

Friday, what can I say about this day? I slept in until a late hour of 8:30, not bad for me considering that most days I am up before 7. Got up and began the summer cleaning.
Floors swept, closets re-organized, all clean clothes were put away, sheets changed and beds made, the kids re-arranged their room again today when they cleaned it, back deck cleaned off and straightened up, all dishes done, vacuuming and dusting done, and the yard mowed (by the neighborhood boys – not my own), graduation gown ironed along with my shirt that I will wear. This was all done BEFORE the tornado sirens went off too. Friday was also haircut day. Mom was the only one who didn’t get a haircut. Daddy and Zach both got buzz cuts, Abigail got 3 inches cut off the back and now has bangs, Madelynne is also now sporting a new doo of all one length, and Nathanael DID get a haircut although it is still lengthy. I cut off about 2 inches, he said that his head felt lighter, LOL. This kid has the thickest hair of any one person I know.
Madelynne and Abigail sporting their new doos.

Summer cuts for Nate and Zach.
Then if that wasn’t enough for my Friday the washing machine went out of commission. Full of water and clothes, I had the neighbor look at it and confirmed that it was the transmission that is not working properly. Why? Laundry near completion with clothing that will need to be worn Saturday for graduation. So a trip to the mother-laws with the clothes for Saturday; I get home and decide, I’m not going to look at these clothes tomorrow too. So I load them up in the car along with the girls and off to the laundry-mat we go. Just to wash! I had 5 loads to do and I was able to get them into 3 large washers. I have all the quarters and I am loading and I get the last one and I am 4 quarters SHORT! OH DEAR! You’re kidding me!!
I put Abby back in the car and I tell Madelynne I’ll be right back, just to the house and back, only 3 blocks!! Her instructions: don’t go anywhere and don’t let anyone give you any crud!! Get back to the house and of course no dollar to be found, I had to raid Madelynne’s wallet. Found one and back to the laundry-mat, and got the 3rd load in the washer. Finally home and clothes are drying! All laundry is done with the exception of the drying!

1 comment:

buscher3 said...

Oh my! Long few days. Love the new cuts! Nate looks so handsome...much less scragly. ;-)