Friday, May 22, 2008
Woke up to another day, YEAH!! Got the kids to school, changed the oil in the bullet (that is what we named my pathfinder, just sort of evolved!), cleaned out the bullet, raided the pictures at mom and dad while dad was out getting his van cleaned, got Madelynne and Abigail checked out around 12ish, took the girls shopping for clothes because they couldn’t find something descent the night before, got home (breathe for a moment), go to the middle school give Nate his ‘band bucks’ get him picked up, get Zach, get home, and then the packing begins…It looked like we were packing to MOVE instead of packing to leave just for the weekend. I guess with four children it will always look like that. I left David to pack the bullet while I took his blue monster back to Target with the boys to get flip flops. Thinking that we could get two things accomplished at the same time and luckily it worked out that way! David called just as we were driving out of the Target parking lot to say that he was done and waiting on us. So we were an hour and 45 min leaving. Not bad, usually it is much longer than that.
So all of that from the time we got up until we left at 3:45. And I have to confess that I was not feeling my best and I was on medication to help with pain so David gets most of the credit for mostly everything that occurred on Friday until we got to Arkadelphia.
We finally arrive to the hotel in Caddo Valley around 4:30-ish and only two families had beat us here. Not bad, we were shooting to be the first so we could meet everyone and give them their agendas for Saturday. But hey, that’s OK!! Everything worked out just fine.
There is nothing worse than the feeling of OH NO, I FORGOT THAT when you head for out of town. And I pulled that!! I left town without the agendas, printed, stacked, and on the coffee table they all were. So I start punting, something we’re good at in this family, although I am not particularly fond of it. First person we talked to, printer doesn’t work, ok; second person I called Yeah come on over, Oh but bring your own paper. Hey I can do that!! Thank you soooooooo much Lori! Had a mishap a little more than halfway through, punted again! Off to the local grocery store to make photo copies! Ok, just when I was thinking, Ok copy machine, 23 more copies and I’m done, right? NOPE. The copier takes quarters, no big deal, I put MOST of the quarters in for what I needed to print, punch in the number f copies and press the green ‘print’ button. Easy, ooooh no! It printed ONE copy, one stinking copy. Great, I look up at the girl at the service desk and she knew that it didn’t work. Guess they have had that problem with it before. She gets the key and presto I am able to finish my copies. OH nooooooooooo! Then it runs out of paper. Now we’re laughing, what else is there to do? Cry? Well that would have done me no good! So we’re laughing and she hands me back a stack of quarters that I had given her when she put the key in and said oh goodness don’t worry about paying for these, this has been an ordeal. I politely thank her, finish my copies and I am on my way.
I get back to the hotel sort and staple the agendas and pass them out to the family that has multiplied at the hotel while I was gone punting and then we go off to dinner and then back to the hotel to visit. Before I knew it the time was almost 11 p.m. So we start pulling out clothes for tomorrow for pictures so I know what needs to be ironed and de-tagged (since some of the clothes are new), then I realize holy cow I forgot my pants. And my outfit for pictures was not negotiable, so last night after 11 p.m. I put myself back in the bullet and make the drive back home. Yes, back home.
Are you exhausted yet? Because I was by this time!!
Get home and not only did I forget my pants for pictures, but my swimming suit, medication, David’s pajamas and a few other small things. We had already made a trip to Wal-Mart earlier when we arrived to get printer paper, a leash for the dog, a swimming suit for David and the boys decided they wanted to change their shirt color for pictures so two new shirts.
I finally get back to the hotel between 12:30 and 1 am and by this time I am awake, so I surfed the internet for a bit, having already checked with the front desk to make sure all family had arrived I was assured that everyone had checked in. Whew, we all made it! A little bit of rest was now in my future.
Pictures to follow!!
Oh my goodness!!! I have to admit that I said to Darin as you left, "She doesn't look stressed yet, but give her a few hours". We laughed and he agreed...but little did I know that those things would be the source of your stress!!
When I read this yesterday I asked David if I got stressed and he said 'surprisingly no'! I didn't think so either. When there was trouble with the printer I knew that I could still get it done, so no need to panic. And then when the copier was acting up I just told myself, 'nothing you could do' so I just went with it. Nothing else I could have done, I've been very relaxed, calm and patient about all sorts of things these past few months. Just going with the flow, not much more I can do.
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