Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thankful Thursday - #1 & #2

I'm going to do better with these posts that I'm going to number them like a few other people do. Maybe this way I will be reminded to do them. Everyone has so much to be thankful for, we just don't take the time to say what we are thankful for.

So here I go ....

2013 Week #1 
1. Snow on Christmas Day
2. The ability to take time off to spend time with my kids.
3. Fireplaces.
4. Time spent with my dad & mom.
5. Meeting my nephew (who was born in August).
6. Kids cleaning the house without being asked. (small victory)
7. Kids making snow raspas (similar to shaved ice or snow cone) Not sure why I had never thought to make them before.
8. No alarm clock setting, going back to work will be interesting.
9. Thankful I was able to lend our home out to friends without power while we were in Texas.
10. A new pet.

2013 Week #2
1. Lord of the Rings Trilogy movie day.
2. Thankful that our BIL's chainsaw accident wasn't worse than it was. He will be completely healed and back to normal by March.
3. Animal Control workers that take their job seriously.
4. Patient ER staff.
5. Fantastic AFLAC representative!
6. Going back to work after a 2-wk vacation.
7. Kids going back to school & coming home exhausted!
8. Adult volleyball league practice, first game is tomorrow.
9. A new savings plan, just need to stick to it.
10. Dinner & a movie Date Night with David.

What are you thankful for?

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