Thursday, December 13, 2012

Traffic, Doctor & Diagnosis

Today was our follow-up appointment with the Cardiologist at Children’s in Little Rock for H2. 

More on her appointment in a minute….

Let me be clear, very clear ….. 

…. I do NOT ….

…. And I mean do NOT like driving to Little Rock in morning traffic and I think I dislike it even more as a passenger. 

However, H2’s ipod full of music made the ride bearable even when my husband was hearing, ‘Dad, David, Dad, David … Dad, Dad, David, David’ because we just KNEW he was going to ram into the back of that Honda as we exited the interstate going into downtown Little Rock. 

Her appointment:

This appointment was to give us the results from her two-months of wearing the heart monitor, schedule the heart cath and come up with a medical plan for treatment.

When we arrived, it was a joke fest from the parking lot to the second floor, why? Because that is how we cope when we are dealing with medical issues that we either know nothing about or we know are very serious and we know the mood needs to be lightened up. Some repeatable others not so much; today was a not so much kind of day. 

Don’t judge us, we keep it to ourselves and forgive each other later.

So I pulled a ‘doug’ moment …. If you haven’t watched UP then you need to in order to understand the ‘doug’ moment.

Getting back on track:

Once we checked into the ‘remodel in progress – excuse our mess’ cardiology department, they do her vitals – which were all great; we get in a room where H2 manages to flip the medal stool over with her feet making a very loud crash (at this point I’m thinking we will be escorted out because we’ve tried to keep each other laughing it was beginning to get out of hand); then a very sweet woman comes in and does her EKG that she doesn’t want to do because she thinks that the people walking outside can see in the windows. 

That last worry is valid in my opinion; I don’t want to be showing, my bare anything, if there is a possibility that the world can see it out the window.  (the couldn’t, the windows were tinted with that mirror film stuff)

EKG was normal, but I don’t like the word normal, normal is all in how you interpret information or actions. I’ll save that for another post….

We spoke with the doctor for a while, hmmmm, for a very long while. Few more tests all for the doctor to say, she has ……

Neurocardiogenic Synsope! I just saw your head tilt! Yep I did. Here is a link to another blog post about NeurocardiogenticSyncope

Yes, she is like her mother, that is the same condition I have and it is completely manageable. Yes, manageable! This will never go away; she has options of controlling this with diet or medication. 

We chose the diet, because:
1.      I know what foods and drinks she needs to stay away from.
2.      I already cook the diet, ummm hello, I am on the same diet.
3.      She is like me in all aspects; we don’t like taking medication so if medications can be avoided then we’re happy. You were thinking attitude weren’t you, well if you know us, then you ALREADY know she is like me. Neenerneenerneener
4.      One less piece of paper I have to fill out for school, just kidding I would do that if I had do. Just put that down to see if you’re paying attention.
5.      She is very active and I think that we will have better success with the diet instead of making sure she drinks certain liquids and takes medications at certain times of the day.
6.      Plus with her still growing, diet is easier to maintain than the right dosage of medication.

I could make the list longer but I won’t! No need to keep you reading the computer screen all day! Or what’s left of the day. 

We now have an action plan that we will try from now through the holiday break and I will report back to the cardiologist in mid-January to let her know how things are going.

So she is cleared to do what-ever activity she feels like doing! PTL

Thank you for your prayers and support over these past 4 months. 

We serve an awesome God!!

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