Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Our time at home or away from home always tend to mimic a national lampoons scene from one movie or another, but in a clean way. It's always crazy, chaotic, hectic, but loads of fun. I just wish some of the conversations we have as a family can be posted. If I posted them the kids would be embarrassed, well so would I. Please don't judge, but there are just some conversations I'm glad that I can have with my kids instead of them going to a stranger or to someone I don't know to have them.

This week, this is what I am thankful for!

1. Fellowship and Food with dear friends.

2. Two TV FREE nights this week! My kids are awesome!

3. MY kids letting me take a nap after work one day this week!

4. A few days off this week to recoup, re-balance, rejuvenate!

5. Great progress on conference planning.

6. Email on my phone, has been a huge life saver this week in keeping up with various 'to-dos'

7. Getting through half of not one but 2 books! You Were Made for More and The Help

8. A very compassionate and understanding ER staff.

9. Creative children both in speaking but in building! (see below)

10. Famous people that follow through with their word by sending an autographed picture. (see below)

all pictures taken with my camera phone


My Captivating Life said...

Great things to be thankful for! :)

Candra Georgi said...

what are those awesome toys!!!1