Saturday, June 12, 2010

Eventful Week #1

Week 7: [June 6-June 12] ~ This week I was able to get back to work full-time with provisions from the doctor, the dreaded 'light duty'!! And I can honestly say that I did just that, well MOST days!! I have very caring yet stern co-workers that make sure I follow the rules. However, I was broke in well this week by making 2 trips out to a location way out into the county, the first trip wasn't too bad on Monday and by Friday's trip I was thinking to myself on the way back that I should be in bed sleeping. Wednesday was by far the worst day for me, working 7:30-4 I came home and slept until around 11 and then went back to sleep around 2 or 3 and unfortunately slept through my alarms Thursday and was late for work. I have found out this week that I'm having trouble remembering appointments unless they are written down and have to be in visual site or I will forget. So this week I acquired a calendar white board to try and help with this issue. I have a planner that I use but the white board calendar will allow me to see dates a whole month at a time instead of by the week. So how am I really doing? Well I'm still a work in progress, I am stumbling around due to the dizziness and my headaches have been worse this week, Fridays was the worst by far and I'm trying not to complain. Ten more days and I should hopefully have some answers.

The kids have enjoyed their first full week out of school. Sleeping in late, playing, swimming, EATING and just being kids! Nathanael participated in an outing with the middle school group from church on Wednesday night. David drove Nathanael and 4 other students around on a Foto Frenzy scavenger hunt. They had tons of fun, here are a few pictures from the hunt.

And Nate proved to be the 'unusual' child once again! They went into a pet store, because one of the items for the foto hunt was that they all had to have a picture taken with an animal and what does my lovely child do? Well this pet store has bin/containers near the registers with 'gourmet' god treats and Nate picks one up and eats it! Thatta boy there Nate! Good way to keep the girls away!

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