Call me the over achiever, go ahead…. OR you can just call me a good mom!! Well we’ll see….
Sunday I was thinking I need to see if the school supply list is up yet, doesn’t hurt to check and maybe just MAYBE we can get all the supplies we need. So then Tuesday a friend of mine who is a teacher posted that she got glue sticks, Ahhhh my reminder from up above to have me look for the list. Found the list for 2009-2010 (OK that’s just weird, I remember getting supplies for the 1989-1990 school year, oh the years just fly by)…..anyway and BAM!! I find it. Printed that bad boy off and in the car it went. That was Tuesday…… So Wednesday night after all of the chores the kids did, dental issues Madelynne endured, and after supper last night, we ALL trek up to wally-world to get the 1st round (yes 1st round of groceries, 2nd stop is always Kroger for meat, fresh fruits and veggies and bread) and David and Nate go one way for groceries and I with the other 3 go another direction….the SCHOOL SUPPLY isle. We got the 3 younger ones ALL of their supplies, plus some extra of some things, it felt good to get that out of the way!! Now if I can only get a supply list for 7th graders then I will be very happy, but I bet I will be scrambling the 1st day of school looking ALL over the city for what he needs.
So this is what $96 worth of school supplies looks like…….
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