Friday, June 5, 2009

You did WHAT Thursday?

And so these are the days of our lives…..LOL

I keep telling everyone that there is never a dull moment at our house and yesterday was no exception. Let’s go through the day shall we, WARNING: you might experience tiredness followed by mini bursts of laughter or hysteria!

6AM the alarm goes off…..

6:30 AM shower…. (YES I know, it takes me FOREVER sometimes to get out of bed after the alarm goes off, I do not think I am alone in the world on this issue, I have it sometimes and I deal with it.) While I am in the shower David is kind enough to get up and iron my outfit for the day! Gotta love a man who irons!

7 AM dressed, folding clothes, doing another load of laundry. You know laundry is a never ending endeavor at our home. 1-3 loads everyday! But we pretty much stay caught up.

8 AM sit down, check emails, facebook and blogs.

8:10 AM Nate comes in asks what time it is and then announces he is going back to bed.

8:20 out the door and on my way to North Little Rock.
So while I am driving to NLR the family is sleeping. Wish I had that luxury of sleeping in on a summer day.

8:45 arrive at testing site in NLR for my exam.

8:45-9 AM skim over testing worksheets one last time.

8:50 AM get a call from work.

9AM -11 take 2 exams – test results pending……during this time my phone has gone off several times.

11-11:10 return missed calls
*brief intermission to explain a few of the calls since I didn’t lay out the information in the beginning. David’s mother’s brother (follow that?) Uncle Bob to us, was having surgery on his Achilles heel today after falling a few weeks ago and tearing it. Well Bob and his wife Billie live out on the Arkansas River and some of us are playing chauffer, doctor and nurse to help not only them out but David’s parents. Ok preset on that situation is done.

11:10 AM head home

11:15 AM call from David’s sis telling me she has picked up Billie and is heading to David’s parents. OK, check, Billie has been picked up, Bob is already at the hospital and now the fun begins.

11:20 got the call that it is OFFICIAL I get to walk at grduation next weekend. Woo Hoo so the day will have some positive aspects afterall!

11:35 AM arrive home, pick up the older two kids, go get lunch from KFC and then go to David’s parents.

11:50 AM arrive at David’s parents; talk with David’s sis and aunt. We eat a brief lunch.

12:10 PM David’s mom called said they finally took Bob back and he will be in surgery for about 2 hours.

12:20 PM I leave to head to work, leaving the older two with David’s sis and aunt. Nate and Madelynne will ‘babysit’ Billie until David’s parents arrive home from the hospital, because David’s sis had to go back home to be there when her kids got out of school.

12:25 PM arrive to work! Whew, time to rest! YEAH RIGHT!!

12:30-12:50 get briefed from what had occurred from the morning.

1 PM conference call, quickly interrupted

1:20-2:20 PM meeting

2:20-5:15 PM work, work work
While I was working, David and the younger kids were cleaning at home, sweeping, mopping, etc etc

5:20 PM grocery store

5:30 PM drive to David’s parents

AND THE FUN BEGINS!!!! Like my day just wasn’t fun enough!!

5:40 PM helping David with dinner, trying to get the pork loins stuffed and rolled to be poached.

5:45 PM David’s dad and Madelynne leave to go to the pharmacy to get Bob’s medications.

5:50 PM Nate comes in and says, “I think I hurt myself” shows me his hands and they are red, looks like paint (our kids pull practical jokes on us all the time, so I was thinking CRYING WOLF). I said s-u-r-e, and he said no mom I think I am hurt look at the back of my head and by that time his shirt was soaking with blood and the blood was just pouring out of the wound. IMMEDIATE pressure! IMMEDIATE pressure was all I could think. And then we calmly took care of the situation. David pulls out the insurance card and hands it to his mom, David’s mom took him to the ER so David and I could get supper on the stove and in the oven.

6 PM I go over the cooking times with David and then head out the door to meet David’s mom at the ER.

OH did I mention that his uncle is there at the house wheeling around in the wheelchair because he has to stay OFF that foot for 5 weeks from having surgery today. His aunt is there too, and both are laughing at us and telling stories the whole time.

6:10 PM arrive at the ER in time to sign all paperwork and then wait for a doctor. By this time most of the bleeding had stopped. So we’re waiting, and the family is driving around town getting medications and the others are at David’s parents cooking dinner.

6:20 PM we’re called back to a room, the nurse evaluates him and then the story begins.

Nurse: Tell me what happened?
Nate: I fell off the bed
(by this time David’s mom and I had heard the story so much we were laughing, because Nate was worried that they were going to cut his hair, the nurse and the doctor both picked up on it and we all had a little fun with him)
Nurse: How did you fall off the bed?
Nate: Ummm, a p-i-l-l-o-w—f-i-g-h-t
Nurse: Really? A pillow fight (oh Nate was getting the look and laughter from his grandmother)
Nate: Yes, it was me and my little brother and sister
Nurse: What did you hit?
Nate: the dresser, am I going to need stitches?
Nurse: staples maybe (Imagine a mother and grandmother, laughing so hard we’re in tears – the look on Nate’s face was priceless)
Nurse: Yes (OK this goes on back and forth for awhile!)
Nate: You’re not cutting my hair!
Nurse: No we’ll have to shave it! (Again the look was great, and yes we’re still laughing – Never thought my 11 yr old BOY would be such a drama queen about his hair. Almost reminds me of Fonzie from Happy Days!)

Ok so the doctor comes in and the same conversation, same hysteria and laughter going on, but she finally breaks down and gives us the news.

He needs nothing! Here’s why! If the cut HAD been on the front of his face he would need stitches to reduce the size of the scar he would have. But since it is the back and in the hairline there is nothing that needs to really be done because luckily it is deep but not deep enough to warrant any action. It will continue to bleed off and on throughout the night so limited activity for him. Don’t do any cleaning to the wound until tomorrow and it will bleed again when you do that tomorrow, so just be very careful. Keep clean with soap and water. Have a nice evening and be careful in the future.

7:10 PM we leave the ER – Walking out the door Nate says, “You know we were playing body slam pillow fights and I got knocked off the bed and that is when I hit my head. David’s mom and I just start laughing again. And we both told him, that is how people get hurt, seeeeeeeeeeeee. Nate goes with David’s mom back to the house and I go to our house to pick up clean clothes for Nate to change into.

7:20 PM arrive back at David’s parents and help get the food on the table and we all FINALLY get settled.

7:30 – 8:15 PM we eat dinner and laugh and talk about the day. And we over hear the kids talking at the ‘kids table’ that apparently it was more like the domino effect. Abby lost her balance and knocked into Zach, who caused Zach to lose his balance and he fell into Nate and then BAM Nate fell off and hit his head. So the story went from I just fell off the bed to body slamming pillow fight to the domino effect.

This whole time Madelynne is saying, ‘you can’t blame me, I wasn’t here, I was out getting drugs from Bob.’ Now that was funny!!

8:15-9 PM clean up, re-arrange a few things for mom and dad’s visitors (aunt and uncle) who will be staying with them a few days.

9 PM head home!

9:15 PM arrive home (to a clean house), walk the dogs, change out laundry

9:30 PM all kids in bed

9:30 PM - 12:20 AM Facebook, homework, IM chat

12:20 AM crash on couch! To tried for bed, so that is where Dave and I slept!

THAT was a TYPICAL day at the Hardister residence! Anyone willing to trade for a day? Just kidding!
He is mad that his shirt may not survive!

The wound is about an inch long and about 1 cm deep.

Not taking the news well that his head is 'getting shaved' and that staples might be in his future!

1 comment:

buscher3 said...

Oh my...that's hilarious. Y'all are so wrong for teasing him in a time of traumatic events! But it's sooo something I would do too. ;-)

Congrats on graduating!!